ネパール&日本 自然と平和の会

ネパール&日本 自然と平和の会
ネパール&日本 自然と平和の会は2011年より毎年ネパールの村を訪れ、学校の教員向けプログラム「愛と思いやりのある教育」を行っています。このプログラムでは子供たちに温かい教育環境を提供することで、学校への定着率を改善し、勉強を続けて就業へつなげるプログラムです。ネパールの農村部の学校では教員による体罰が原因で学校を中退する子供がいます。学校を中退した子供は教育を受けることができず、仕事に就けないという問題につながっています。教員の意識改革をすることでより多くの子供たちに温かい教育環境を提供できるという信念のもと、ラムジュン州のNGO団体「サボダヤシワースラム」と共催でラムジュン州、ゴルカ州を中心にプログラムを行っています。


★ ネパール大地震のための義援金募集開始しました。詳しくはこちらから。
★ ネパール大地震のための募金箱設置場所はこちらから


Delicious sweets handmade with Himalayan herb & spice

Do you think spice is used only for curry dishes?

Answer is NO. There are verious types of spices. Some are good for vegetables, some are good for fish, and meat and some are good for sweets and deserts. Most of the sweets and traditional deserts in Nepal use some kind of spice. The spice is used to give good aroma, freshness, lightness and color to the sweets. Spices are all naturally grown ingrediants, therefore the sweets produced with spice are very special in falvor, smell and these sweets are healthy to eat.

There is one opportunity to try, enjoy and understand what I mean.
Come visit us at our Nepal-Japan Nature & Peace Foundation booth at the Peace-a-Love 2011 booth at the Chuokoen on Oct. 29th and 30th.

At our booth you can enjoy delicious sweets handmade with organic Himalayan herb & spice. We have produced healthy sweets by using naturally grown ingrediants produced in Japan and Nepal. Our Special Nepal Chai (also sold at the event) is the best combination to enjoy the sweets. Of course, you can enjoy these sweets with your favorite tea or coffee any time.

1) Organic Himalayan Ginger Biscotti
This biscotti is produced with Organic Himalayan Dry Ginger (product of HimalayanYuki), Japanese wheet, black sugar and hazelnuts. Good for those who love hard crust. Dry ginger helps make your body warm.

2) Himalayan Spice Meringue
This meringue is produced with mixed Himalayan spices (product of HimalayanYuki) and walnuts. It is a very good example of a sweet that is produced in European style but gives you rich Asian flavor.

3) Organic Himalayan Cinnamon Cookie
This cookie is produced with organic Himalayan cinnamon powder (product of HimalayanYuki), Japanese wheet floor and black sugar. If you like cinnamon and crispy cookies, you will fall in love with this cookie.

Try and be surprised how nice and tasty these sweets are!!

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