ネパール&日本 自然と平和の会

ネパール&日本 自然と平和の会
ネパール&日本 自然と平和の会は2011年より毎年ネパールの村を訪れ、学校の教員向けプログラム「愛と思いやりのある教育」を行っています。このプログラムでは子供たちに温かい教育環境を提供することで、学校への定着率を改善し、勉強を続けて就業へつなげるプログラムです。ネパールの農村部の学校では教員による体罰が原因で学校を中退する子供がいます。学校を中退した子供は教育を受けることができず、仕事に就けないという問題につながっています。教員の意識改革をすることでより多くの子供たちに温かい教育環境を提供できるという信念のもと、ラムジュン州のNGO団体「サボダヤシワースラム」と共催でラムジュン州、ゴルカ州を中心にプログラムを行っています。


★ ネパール大地震のための義援金募集開始しました。詳しくはこちらから。
★ ネパール大地震のための募金箱設置場所はこちらから


Day for International Exchange and Cooperation 2011 (Kokusai Kouryu & Kyoryoku no Hi) at Peace Memorial Park

With the motto "Step in to the world together!," this year's International Day completed normally yesterday. Various NGOs, NPOs, Groups, universities and schools involved in international activities in Hiroshima gathered at the peace-memorial park's international convention center. People from Japan and various countries enjoyed several interesting programs, such as Earth Stage, speech contest, presentation of overseas volunteering experience,  ikebana, outdoor events, discussions, bazar and food etc. It was an opportunity to experience different culture, different views, different values for living and enjoying helpful life and contribute something for the world.

Nepal-Japan Nature and Peace Foundation (NJNPF) had opened a booth to let visitors talk, see and buy handmade natural goods from Nepal. There were 3 Nepal related groups (including NJNPF) who introduced Nepal to the visitors. May be it was the largest number of groups gathered in a single event on a single day in Hiroshima. Usually there are one or two groups related to a single country.

People who had been to Nepal as JICA worker, as other volunteer or as part of personal interest came and shared their experiences. It was nice to meet them and talk with their warm memories of Nepal. There were many young people who became very curious and interested in Nepal by talking, testing and knowing Nepal.

I participated a discussion program from 13:00 to 15:00PM. The discussion was focused to improve the relationship among Japanese people, governnment and non-government bodies and foreigners living in Hiroshima. There are many issues and difficulties to make people in Hiroshima understand the true meaning of sharing cross-cultural values and internationalization. The discussion group continues to share and generate interest among the international minded people. An event like this plays a very important role in this direction.

Thank you very much for visiting us at the booth.  We are greatful to your interest, time & contribution for Nepal. We will keep our activities to let you experience Nepal whenever is possible.
And special thanks to the volunteers who made the booth alive and active.

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